Investment strategies described on this site are not necessarily available through every sponsor program. Please check with your Federated Hermes representative or your home office to ascertain accessibility.
Separately managed account portfolios strategies are only offered to certain qualified investors.
For a detailed discussion of Managed Account strategies or to receive additional information, please Contact Us.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
For additional information, including definitions of related terms and indexes, see the Financial Glossary and Benchmark Index Glossary. In addition, by accessing documents containing CUSIP information, you agree to the Terms of Use for CUSIP Information contained in the Financial Glossary.
Effective 9/30/22, CW Henderson & Associates, Inc. was acquired by Federated Hermes, Inc. and renamed Federated Hermes CW Henderson, a division of Federated Investment Counseling. Additionally, the portfolio names were changed from CW Henderson Intermediate to CW Henderson Intermediate Municipal SMA and CW Henderson Short Term to CW Henderson Ultrashort Municipal SMA
Federated Hermes CW Henderson, a division of Federated Investment Counseling.