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No cut, and no comment

The Fed kept rates steady, and Chair Powell kept his distance from Trump.  

Published January 30 2025
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Yesterday’s Federal Reserve policy meeting was the nonevent we had suspected—and hoped—it would be. The FOMC kept the fed funds target range at 4.25-4.50%, and Chair Jerome Powell avoided questions about politics. Predictably, the first question from the press was about President Trump’s comments at the World Economic Forum last week, when he stirred the waters by threatening to demand a rate cut. Powell said he would not address that, but after repeated inquiries, he did reveal that neither Trump nor anyone in his administration had contacted him. Powell also parried numerous questions about the potential implications of the many rumored tariff and trade policies, saying there are far too many uncertainties to consider and a very, very wide range of outcomes. But here, too, he may have revealed more than he wanted by saying it’s not the Fed’s job to “criticize” fiscal plans, before later adding “or praise” them.

Here and there, a few questions actually relating directly to monetary policy reached his ears. He noted the stabilization of the labor market and said that the risks to the outlook are roughly balanced between unemployment and inflation, adding that the stance of monetary policy remains restrictive relative to historical norms. Powell also announced that his staff has begun their customary five-year policy framework review, hastening to say that the Committee is not straying from its 2% inflation goal. We think the Fed will eventually need to reevaluate its inflation policy, but doing so amid the present uncertainty would probably unhinge the market, which is likely why he tried to preempt questions.

In all, the meeting reinforced our belief the Fed is content to sit on the sidelines, in no hurry to move until the future is clearer. The same approach appears to apply to the runoff of its balance sheet. The FOMC continued the current pace of shrinkage, with Powell saying the supply of bank reserves remains abundant. We still think they will cut rates this year and have penciled in a 25 basis-point cut by mid-2025 and another coming around autumn.

Tags Monetary Policy . Interest Rates . Liquidity . Fixed Income . Equity .

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